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Corporate Sponsorship

Sponsorship - Gifts for Others

Thank you for allowing us to present a unique partnership to change lives and improve the mental health of young people in Victoria. We are looking at partnerships with businesses that are community-minded, value education and are looking to make a positive impact through their philanthropy budget.

One in four young people will have a mental disorder at any point in time, most commonly anxiety, depression and substance use conditions. This affects their education, community engagement and hope for their future. We want to change that! It's a terrible statistic, but your business can be a future chapter in a young person's success story by sponsoring a social justice service with a difference.

At Canine Comprehension, we are excited to present our plans to continue to improve kids' mental health and bring families together with the help of therapy dogs. We can't do it alone; with the help of your valued contribution, we will be able to reach many more vulnerable kids.