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Positive Schools

Meet Sarah, River and Ness from Canine Comprehension

Dogs Connect
Animal Therapies LTD
Positive Schools Conference timetable


'I Love Charlie and Jo!! It was a really good program and it helped me with a lot of things, even with finding new friends."

Grade 5 Student - Whittlesea

The field you selected is really necessary for any country. Because Children's are the next future. It need lot of patience and Innovation methodologies to train. Good luck.

- Judge - 2019 Stevie Awards, New York.

Patience and Innovation

This program was amazing. The students got a lot of great strategies and experiences out of it. - Dexter Siriwardene

The program was amazing

I highly recommend the Canine Comprehension program. The parallel between dog body language and human communication enables students to gently explore feelings, enhance a sense of empathy and build connection. Thank you for providing such a valuable program.

Year 6 students

My favourite thing was being with the dogs and having something to look forward to at school.

- year 7 student, Catholic Ladies College, Eltham

Look forward to school.

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