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Friendship & Responsibility

Friendship & Responsibility

Time is of the essence! The response has been incredible, with 57 schools already on board. With only 7 programs left, we encourage you to express interest for your school by registering promptly, as spaces are filling up fast.

Students learn empathy by understanding the needs of dogs and forming meaningful relationships with them. This understanding extends to positive experiences and connections with peers and friends.

Target Audience: ADHD, ASD, ODD, Anxiety, LGBTQI+, refugees or minority groups or students who have had friendship/bullying incidents and need support seeing their school environment as a place of safety. Through our programs, we teach children a sense of empathy by understanding the needs of a dog and the relationships that can be formed between animals and humans.

Funding options: Mental Health School Fund, Disability Inclusion Fund, School Focused Youth Services

Session Focus

Learning Intention

My rights, my dog’s rights

Explore our Canine Comprehension mentor and their AAI dog, understand the program's purpose, and grasp our associated rights and responsibilities. Engage in self-reflection regarding our current emotions concerning school, emotional literacy, communication skills, and relationships with peers and the school community.

My responsibilities, my dog’s responsibilities

Explore the concept of responsibilities and identify both general and personal obligations. Understand that certain responsibilities might pose greater challenges but remain crucial for us to fulfil.

Looking after myself, looking after my dog

Explore the concept of self-care, recognise its significance, and discover effective strategies for nurturing our well-being.

How things can go wrong and what we can do about it

Explore the influence of our internal dialogue on our emotions and behaviours, and discover techniques to manage and control this self-talk effectively.

How can friendship help?

Engage in introspection about your friendships and their constructive influence on your well-being. Gain insight into the qualities of a supportive friend, the factors contributing to friendship challenges, and the dynamics that lead to friendship shifts.

Caring for others and Its impact on me

Discover various methods to care for one another and understand the emotional impact of these actions.

Receiving care from others and Its effect on me

Explore how others care for us and the emotions that arise from their acts of kindness.

Celebrating friendships

Explore the idea that changes in relationships bring new adventures and personal development. Engage in self-reflection to assess personal emotions related to friendships, peers and the school community. Culminate the program by evaluating personal growth across the sessions and identifying key takeaways.

What Teachers Say About Our Programs

"Some of the more anxious isolated students in particular have responded really well to the program."

Assistant Principal Primary School - Whittlesea

What Students Say About Our Programs

What was the best thing about doing the program: 'Meeting others and feeling wanted.'

Student, Year 8 - Moreland